Dr. Schetema Nealy is on our board of directors.  She found a great grant opportunity for us to try.  Schetema and Bubba (also a director, and the author of these blog posts) have kindly donated their time to write a proposal for an Education Research Service Project (ESRP) grant from the Americal Education Reseach Association (AERA).  If we were to win one of those ESRP grants, we would have the funding that we would need for a major, strategic revamp of the way we work around here.  We would spend time examining the literature closely, to see if there are better ways to prosecute our mission.  We would run a focus group of local teachers to generate ideas on how we can improve our services, and on what new services we should offer.  We would do the hard, high-value investment of time and labor to re-organize our inventory around the new ideas, and we would create an online database to increase our efficiency and to keep us on the new better track for our customers.  







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